
Are you securing the best talent for your business?

In Jim Collins’s bestselling book Good to Great, he writes that the key to building a great company is to “Get the right people on the bus, get the wrong people off the bus, and then get the right people in the right seats on the bus.” It sounds easy, but if you’ve ever been involved in the recruitment process, you know how difficult this can be.

Periods of high growth and change can lead to desperate hires, candidates that look good on paper can be completely different in the workplace, and even the most ideal team members can be horrible culture fits.

As you may have experienced, the consequences of a bad hire can ripple through your organisation impacting your bottom line, staff turnover, team satisfaction and ultimately your culture, turning it toxic if not handled swiftly and with care.

Attracting the right people into your organisation

The good news is that these recruitment hurdles can often be avoided by giving those hiring new employees greater clarity and solid recruitment processes to follow.

Having written hundreds of position descriptions, conducted thousands of interviews and developed numerous high performing teams over the last 30 years, we partner with organisations like yours to develop the recruitment processes needed to attract the right talent into your business.

Giving you greater clarity around your vision, organisational structure and values, and the culture you want to preserve, we work with you to create an avatar of your ideal new hire listing the attributes, values, experience and skills needed.

We then help you craft the position description, job advertisement, interview questions and follow up processes including personality profiling that will help you identify, qualify and pique the interest of the candidates you want to hire.

We can even take a more active role in the recruitment process by sitting in or conducting interviews on your behalf to save you time or train your team to ensure your new recruitment processes are implemented successfully. Also partnering with employment lawyers and HR consultants we can help you organise additional services that may be needed including employment contracts, contractor agreements and career transition for staff who just aren’t the right fit.

Your team and organisational culture are too important to cut corners in the recruitment process or make rushed hires. Let’s have a chat on 0407 915 300 to make sure you are attracting the right people into your business.