5 minutes with Bec

Let’s face it; a biography can only tell you so much. So we thought we’d take 5 minutes with Bec and ask her some interesting questions to help you get to know her a little better.

What’s the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn’t learn from your career alone?

I’m hugely adventurous and love stepping outside my comfort zone. When I was younger, it lead me to become an accomplished horse rider where I participated in show jumping, endurance riding and dressage. Over the years it’s lead me to mountain bike riding, road cycling, kayaking, canoeing, skiing, rock climbing, abseiling, mountaineering, white water rafting, paragliding and now more recently motorbike riding.

Who are the top three leaders you most admire?

  1. Robyn Davidson. You may not know her but she crossed the desert in solitude with her dog, using camels many decades ago. She has inspired me to follow my heart and adventurous spirit since a friend gave me her book when I was 17, Tracks. She also motivated me to write and become an author one day. Funny how others impact your life, and leave an everlasting impression.
  2. Oprah Winfrey is just gob smackingly amazing. I love everything about her – her authenticity, vulnerability, genuineness, compassion and gorgeous heart.
  3. Then there is Martin Luther King Junior. His passion for equality and social justice and his ability to listen to others and step into their territory with love was astounding.
  4. Another beautiful leader was John Lennon. I just love him! What he did through music, the way he stood up for what he believed in through the peace movement and his ability to unite people for a common purpose.

What do you believe is fundamental to great leadership?

I fully believe in knowing your BIG why and being passionately committed to it. Having a clear vision, being able to implement it and influence people others to stand with you is the foundation of great leadership.

What’s your favourite time of day?

It would have to be the end of the day when you can look back, reflect on your achievements, review your processes, listen to feedback, debrief and celebrate your milestones and success. This can be whilst travelling home and watching the sunset, or with your team or clients debriefing the day. More often than not I am found with a good crisp white wine at the end of a week, or a cold beer after a motorbike journey when I am covered in dust and dirt. Nothing quenches the thirst and a physically tired body than a good yarn, debrief and laugh with your friends. I love that part of the day!

If you could be an Olympic athlete what sport would you compete in?

Decathlon. It’s a sport that challenges you on every level. Being a multi-talented athlete would be the best!

What advice would you give your younger self?

Embrace every day with love, passion and happiness. Don’t get too uptight, be patient. If it doesn’t feel right in your gut, follow your instincts. Your heart will always show you the right pathway. Time out will always give you the opportunity to reflect on what’s important. Embrace self-care time, eat well and remain physically active. But most of all, surround yourself with quality, inspiring and positive people and love.

What is one adventure you’d love to go on but haven’t yet?

There are so many wild places I want to visit across the world, on a motorbike with my partner Dave. There are too many places to mention here, but imagine the most remote places and that’s where we will be! I’d have to say travelling across Australia on foot and living minimalistically for 6-12 months is right up there too. Australia is such an amazing country and the North and Western side is on my bucket list and sharing this with my children and partner is key.

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?

Knowing who I am. Self-belief is one thing I couldn’t live without. And love. It goes hand in hand really, self-love with self-belief. But the love of others and receiving love is my greatest comfort.

If you had to have one song on repeat what would it be?

Time Warp – love it gets you up and moving!