These workshops help individuals and teams improve empathy skills, communication, problem solving, reading and interpreting body language, developing skills in building rapport and creating amazing team culture.
Bec is an accredited DISC profiler, executive coach and leadership coach who works with teams all across Australia, and alongside multiple senior executive leaders and managers on understanding communication styles and soft leadership skills. All her clients RAVE about these workshops and often come back for more insights as the ‘onion layers’ can be peeled back further and further.
WILD FOX workshops typically focus on:
- Building camaraderie between members of the team and getting to know one another.
- Establishing strategies for change and uncertainty and understanding human psychological principles are around this.
- Building leadership skills such as communication and influence and engaging teams for optimal efficiency, productiveness and team culture
- Building rapport and really getting to know each other through sequenced activities. Working in pairs, small groups and as a whole, it’s a game changer for getting to know one another and having fun in the process. It also allows psychological safety so we can optimise learning process to come throughout the sessions.
- Understanding how we communicate, behave and react under pressure, when stretched and at optimal peak times. We will do this through DISC diagnostic. This will help individuals see how they come across to others, their strengths, communication styles, listening perceptions, social awareness and how they react to others under stress. They will also learn their optimal environment for peak performance and how they best fit and are most effective in a team environment. The whole group will learn about each other, and about working together effectively as a team, and in doing so, learn how to be even more effective in communications with clients as well.
- Breaking down individual differences in how we all communicate, behave and react to high pressure situations. How to operate ourselves and inspire others in our teams to work at natural energy and strengths, creating high performing teams and less conflict. It also highlights skills for customer care and internal relations.
After learning all the theory,human psychology and universal truths, we engage in small and large group activities to test the theories and gain knowledge through experience (experiential facilitation). Bec runs these workshops utilising the space through fun-filled indoor/outdoor activities with loads of challenges and discussions to involve everyone and experience the new learnings. People walk away wanting to know more!
Workshops can run from as little as 3 hours to as long as 5 days, and can interweave throughout a conference to build on touch points and sequence the learning over a span of time! Through a workshop everyone learns more about themselves, their behaviours, the human psychology that drives us unconsciously, communication styles and the reasons why we do what we do In a nutshell, it is fun, and creates a lot of ‘Aha’ moments. Most of all, everyone walks away with tried and tested strategies and life enriching approaches to improve leadership, team effectiveness, relationships, communication and life in general.
WILD Fox Workshops are online or face to face and include:
- 3 hours WILD Fox workshop – introduction to the essentials
- Full day WILD Fox workshop. Unpacking more with effective strategy development
- Packaged over 2-3 days conferencing WILD FOX sessions. The ultimate way to stimulate learning, expand awareness, test through team activities, debrief and review threaded across key conference theme and other PD sessions
- 2 full day WILD FOX workshop. For those in leadership positions, expanding skill sets and even more about DISC energies, reaching their own leadership potential and influencing others to do the same!
- 1:1 sessions – WILD FOX leadership coaching
- 3 full day WILD Fox Train the Trainer Workshop