Murder Mystery Nights

by | Oct 12, 2023 | Team Building Activities

It is a super fun evening. We have many Murder Mystery themes to choose from.

One of our most popular is the VIP party in Las Vegas! The Cosmo Casino & Resort is set to host a world-class soiree for celebrities, news media, and a few Vegas locals that were lucky enough to score tickets. Some of the most prominent figures of our time will be in attendance and this will certainly be a night to remember. However, there is a situation. The city of Las Vegas has been terrorized by a serial killer with an MO of attending VIP events held on the strip. The killer, known as the Sin City Slayer, chooses victims from unsuspecting party guests. The Las Vegas police are currently working with federal agencies to catch this deranged predator. Hopefully, the killer doesn’t have a ticket to this event. This is where your story begins…

We forward the characters for the evening so you can distribute them among your team. We can run this event from teams as small as 12 into the hundreds. We provide characters that come with a costume suggestion, names and characterisations. They help you prepare for the event, we encourage you to dress and act in character. All characters, except for one, can be male or female.

For the Murder Mystery, the proceedings normally take around 3 hours, and can be done over lunch or dinner. We recommend the game be conducted around a 3-course meal. In short, throughout the evening our facilitators will issue cards that each guest must reveal about themselves, or conceal about themselves and do certain actions. They will receive 3 rounds of cards. The murderer and victim don’t know who they are until quite later in the game. And then it’s all on. The investigation, accusations and eventually the murderer is revealed at the end of the night. As with all murder mysteries the more involved in the characterisation the better.

We can run this event at any conference venue, private restaurant or function room.